Your Just One of These Away

Your Just One of These Away

Posted by Nurse Mary on 6th Jan 2025

"You're just one activity away from a good mood.

This statement made me think about how often we know we should be active, but don’t feel like doing anything. Ever have those days where you don’t feel like doing anything except binge watching your favorite show? Whatever the motivation is to keep from being active, the struggle IS REAL

Health professionals tell us to get 30 minutes of exercise every day. So, what do you think of when you hear the word "exercise"? Maybe you think of sweat, pain and agony. 

Well, I’m happy to tell you exercise doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, I prefer to call it "activity", because that’s exactly what it is. You just get up and move. 

It can be as pleasant as a brisk walk around your neighborhood, a music-filled zumba class, playing a few games in the yard with your kids or grandkids, or playing a game of Pickleball with friends. 

The key is having an element of fun to it, or a goal you're working towards.

Good mood

Whatever the activity is, you should strive to find something you enjoy that gets your heart pumping (120-150 beats per minute). If you have a smart watch, it can be very handy in recording your heart rate while you move.

This kind of activity can lead your brain to release “happy” chemicals. 

Do you ever notice when you do certain activities, that you feel better or your mind is at ease? You just feel happier. It is because your brain has released neurotransmitters - or chemicals. Studies also show activity at this intensity decreases the affects of depression and anxiety.

Sometimes, you might need to be creative and fit activity in your day. Sometimes doing HIT (high intensity intervals) may work better for you where you do an intense exercise for a short period of time, doing smaller increments more often. Maybe you find this is better for you since you can get some of the benefits multiple times per day.

Take a peek at this week's article if you typically have trouble staying on track with being active. There's some great inspiration in there.

In addition, if your activity includes some sort of social aspect (like pickleball), it can help in releasing these chemicals, too. Social doesn’t have to be a big group. It can be a few close friends. You can get two mood boosters in at once!

We hope this helps you in your day, Until next time - Be Well !

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