What is YOUR Personal Marathon?

What is YOUR Personal Marathon?

Posted by Nurse Mary on 5th Sep 2024

Have you heard "Never Be Satisfied" as a motivational quote? At first glance, it seems plausible because it keeps you pushing ahead. But wait, if you are never satisfied, then you don't have the opportunity to appreciate your wins - be they ever so small. 

Being satisfied doesn't mean being complacent. For example, asking yourself: "how will I show up for me?" is a question that encourages you to look to the future without being unsatisfied with where you are. 

This was brought home to me, in a personal way, so I'll share my story. 

We all have those things we would like to do "someday." Eat better, lose weight, get in better physical shape - but it seems so vague and in the future, right? It is easy to say "I'll start tomorrow." 

In the spring of 2019 something happened to me that changed that attitude. We had been invited to go to CO with friends in the spring and we all planned to go bike riding in the mountains.

What fun! I can hardly wait! 

But wait! 

I'm not ready. I'll die in the mountain air, in as poor a physical condition as I am in! Honestly, I probably wouldn't die, but I might feel like I could. 

So I had my own personal marathon. It may not be a big deal to you, but for me it was staring me in the face. At the time it was the dead of winter & not the best time to get out and get some miles in on my bike. But I had to begin.

Each day, I looked to the future and tried to live my life with more movement and better food choices that put me closer to being ready for that fun and exciting time to ride bikes and hike in the mountains. 

So I ask you today, "What is your personal marathon?" What specific thing is it, in your future, that you want to do, be, or feel that will encourage you to show up better for yourself each day? 

Everyone is different, so you may have a different marathon than the next person. If you decide to start your journey, or if you're already in the midst of it, remember, the more specific you can make that goal, then the more measurable your progress will be. 

I hope my story has inspired you in your "personal marathon" we hope to encourage you along the way.

Until next time - Be Well !!

Some of our favorite Supplements to help you on this journey can be found in our Sports Nutrition Category