Protective Blend Throat Spray
Posted by Nurse Mary on 5th Nov 2024
Did you ever wake up in the morning with a scratchy throat thinking - Oh no! I’ve got to do something about this right away! What can we use from our “Natural Medicine Cabinet”? Protective Blend (OnGuard) Throat Spray!
It is so easy to make and works quickly. Here is the recipe for the On Guard throat spray with a little video we put together for you:
The handy thing about the Protective Blend throat spray is that you get almost immediate relief of your scratchy throat symptoms. At the same time the essential oils are hard at work to neutralize and bad microorganisms that are trying take hold in your body.
The Essential Oils in Protective Blend: Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Rosemary Leaf. Put 20 drops in your 2 oz spray bottle. Add water to fill.
The Clove helps to numb the scratchy throat. Cinnamon & Clove are know for their anti-infection properties that kill bacteria. Orange peel is a good cleansing essential oil. Eucalyptus Leaf and Rosemary are good for opening up the airways and ease breathing.
Always shake the spray bottle before using as Oil and water don’t mix very well. We hope this has been helpful in your day. We will put some links to some supplies you may like to have below.
Until next time – Be Well !
Some things to help you get started:
Protective Blend Essential Oil (On Guard)
2 oz Spray Bottle